- Newly acquired private equity company that had tripled in size within three years.
- The organization experienced massive growth and was not prepared to handle the increased capacity
- Budget was insufficient to identify and evaluate variances
- Desire to implement actual metrics and improvements
- Expanded into new territories, but required help calculating expansion and operating costs
Bespoke Solutions
- Deeply analyzed operational decision making process to understand cost and revenue drivers
- Built sensitivity budget to calculate variances at neighborhood territory levels and build route restructuring
- Successfully bridged operational statistics to financial outcomes
- Reviewed historical operational performance and coordinated with operational leaders to set goals that were then translated to financial targets in a budget
Leading With Results
- 27.2% increase in revenue resulted from successfully implementing our new business model
- 2% of revenue recovered from corrected raw material forecasting variance
- Shifted profitability management from a reactive to proactive process by implementing our more accurate budget
- 20% increase, over 700 people, in back-office staff budgeted in a staggered hiring plan
- 200M gallons of gasoline budgeted and managed. Produced more realistic, flexible, and scalable budgets with our system by tying operational statistics to financial outcomes